What about confidential counsellor certification?

What about confidential counsellor certification?


Situation now

An accreditation of training agencies for confidential counsellors recognised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Ministerie van SZW) does not exist.

If employers have appointed a confidential counsellor within the policy on discrimination, sexual harassment, aggression and violence and bullying mandated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, they must be adequately trained. The Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) checks this.

Confidentialsellors who can show the NLA the certificate* obtained at Hubert Consult are considered sufficiently trained.


Situation in the future

In May 2023, the bill amending the Working Conditions Act in connection with making it compulsory to have a confidential counsellor regarding unwanted manners was passed by the Lower House. The bill is currently before the Upper House and its approval is not yet a done deal.

Should the bill concerning the obligation to appoint a confidential counsellor be adopted by the Senate, further regulations will be drawn up together with the parties in the field, including in any case clear criteria for the expertise and independence of confidential counsellors, taking into account: the recognition of training courses for confidential counsellors, the maintenance of expertise on the basis of periodic refresher courses and the process of periodic and independent testing of expertise.
Hubert Consult is involved as a party in the Platform Professionalisation of the Confidential Counsellor of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

What about LVV and the register confidential counsellor?
The LVV is certainly not an independent party. The chairman of the LVV board (as well as part of the board) is a trainer (competitor of Hubert Consult). Hubert Consult has always deliberately kept away from LVV certification/registration (both for professional reasons and because of the fact that LVV certification/registration is mainly in the interest of trainers). Ultimately, not an LVV but the Ministry of SZW decides what requirements will be made of the confidential counsellor.

Hubert Consult aims to join the legal accreditation of the Ministry of SZW in due course.

*When will you receive a certificate at Hubert Consult?
If you attend 100% during the three-day Basic Confidential Counsellor Course at Hubert Consult, you will receive a proof of participation. In addition, you can take an exam to show that you have sufficiently absorbed and mastered the material. If you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate (this is valid for one year). If you attend a Confidential Counsellor Return Day every year and continue to pass the exam, the certificate can be renewed. The requirements for renewal can be adjusted over time based on developments (think of requirements from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment).


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Hubert Consult

Rijnsburgerweg 31-B
2334 BE Leiden
Tel: 071-5174222
E-mail: info @ hubertconsult . nl
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