Based on the Dutch Working Conditions Act
In many countries it is common practice to appoint co-workers in organizations to support and inform targets of unacceptable behaviour at work. In the Netherlands this is part of the policy against unacceptable behaviour (bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, aggression and violence), mandated by the Dutch Working Conditions Act. These co-workers (in Dutch 'vertrouwenspersoon') are known by a number of different names including: trust counsellor, confidant, confidential counsellor, confidential advisor, confidential supporter, harassment officer, dignity at work advisor, peer listener, trustee, designated contact person and contact officer.
Why this basic training course?
A position as a confidential counsellor (vertrouwenspersoon) requires a wide range of legal, psychological and organisational knowledge and skills. This training course will prepare starting confidants for their comprehensive task.
The confidential counsellor training course will make it clear as to what your tasks are throughout all the stages of the policy process. You will receive information about your role in the prevention and identification of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace, and the support, interventions and follow-up care for the victims. You will gain in-depth knowledge about the many different legal, psychological and organisational aspects that you will encounter as a confidant. During the training course, you will also practice the communication skills that you need to support a victim.
The training course aims at the development of your knowledge, attitude and skills. During two half-day sessions, you will practice your skills with professional training actors. The training course's teacher (a psychologist) is (inter)nationally known; she was Board member of the International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH) from 2010 till 2018 and has published papers in the field of confidants on a regular basis.
Programme items:
1. Introduction to unacceptable behaviour in the workplace
2. The tasks and powers of confidants
3. Practicing support sessions and 'do's' and 'don'ts'
4. The effects of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace
5. Counselling and dealing with the victim's emotions
6. The psychological risks faced by trust counsellors
7. Informal solution strategies
8. Formal complaints procedure and legal aspects.
This confidential counsellors training aims at professionals with high levels of professional and intellectual skills. The training course is also intended for external confidential counsellors.
Training results
After the completion of the training, you will have a clear view of your role, task and position as a confidant in your organisation. You will have gained the knowledge that is required to support the victims of unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. You will have been trained to conduct support and counselling sessions with the victims, and in this way you will have developed the necessary communication skills to lead these sessions with confidence.
You will receive a reference book which includes the training course materials and background information.
If you have attended 100% of the course time, you will receive a proof of attendance. If you also pass the written test, you will receive a certificate (valid for one year). You can register for one of our free exams. If you wish, you can also take the exam on the third course day (there are no additional costs).
Practical information
This 3 day training course is offered as an open registration training at Hotel Golden Tulip in Leiden.
Both training course centres are located 200 to 400 metres from Leiden Central Station.
The training course and the training course materials are provided in English (please note that we are not native speakers).
Cost: € 995,- (excl. VAT) per person.
The training course materials, coffee/tea and lunch are included
Next courses:
> the 29th of April, 1st and 2nd of Mai 2025 (09:00 am to 5:15 pm)
Maximum number of participants 10 (minimum is 4)
For more information about the training course, please contact
Ms Adrienne Hubert, tel.: 071-5174222
or send an e-mail to
Once a year we provide a refresher training for confidential counsellors
A position as a confidential counsellor and other positions that you may hold, such as: employee or head of HR, head of a department, business social worker, may be conflicting. If you should hold any of these positions, please contact us prior to your registration for the confidential counsellor training course to discuss the options available.
The training course is intended primarily for confidential counsellors acting for employees. Are you acting as confidential counsellor for other target groups, such as students, residents, patients, etc.? Please contact us prior to your registration for the confidential counsellor training course to discuss the options available.
The training course is the English version of the Dutch 'Basiscursus vertrouwenspersoon'. Participants are being prepared to fulfill the role of confidential counsellor in the Dutch (legal) context.
Hubert Consult
Rijnsburgerweg 31-B
2334 BE Leiden
Tel: 071-5174222
E-mail: info @ hubertconsult . nl
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